Today, we want to share little Elaina’s birthday with, as she did with friends and family in Haverhill, MA! Don’t worry, they maintained a safe social distance from Elaina and her family in their cars, but they still made the time and effort to make sure the young lady had a special birthday! Again, Happy Birthday Elaina, and thank you to Brian for sharing with us! Stay safe, and stay in contact from all of us at the River.

First and foremost, we hope you and yours are all safe and well during these trying times. We hope to look back on this as a time when humanity came together to do the right thing… by staying apart.
There is a lot going on right now, to say the least, but we’re hoping you could help us bring everyone a little closer together, virtually!
The River wants to know how you’re spending your time in isolation! Finishing projects? Playing games with family or room mates? Starting a new hobby? Raising funds or awareness for a good cause?
Share your stories and photos from home with us, any way you can. Send us a message or post on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our contact page, and we’ll share your story with our listeners. Your experience might help make someone else’s a little better.