One thing’s for sure, how we plan and eat our meals has changed significantly. With our favorite restaurants closed for dining in and grocery store trips coming fewer and farther between it can be tough to get excited about food and even tougher to add variety.
If you’re lucky enough to have some quarantine buddies, take a cue from Hannah and her family! With everybody isolating at home, they’ve been presented an opportunity to have more cooks in the kitchen. They’re mixing things up every night by rotating the cooking schedule, and each meal has a new chef at the stove.
Grocery planning has become a team sport and everyone is enjoying the opportunity to make something they love! They might not all be 4-star meals, but they give the parents some free time, the kids more chances to learn, and the whole family gets to change up their meals!

First and foremost, we hope you and yours are all safe and well during these trying times. We hope to look back on this as a time when humanity came together to do the right thing… by staying apart.
There is a lot going on right now, to say the least, but we’re hoping you could help us bring everyone a little closer together, virtually!
The River wants to know how you’re spending your time in isolation! Finishing projects? Playing games with family or room mates? Starting a new hobby? Raising funds or awareness for a good cause?
Share your stories and photos from home with us, any way you can. Send us a message or post on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our contact page, and we’ll share your story with our listeners. Your experience might help make someone else’s a little better.